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Witnessing Murdered Souls

Like so many others, I have longed to hear that “still small voice” that everyone talks about. That is, I have longed to hear from God, Himself. However, there was always one major problem with me. I couldn’t quiet my mind long enough to hear from Him. I would carve out the time while my children were at school and my husband was at work to be with God. There were absolutely no distractions!! You would think it would be easy to hear from God without distractions- not for me. I would sit and ask God to speak to me but before He could- random thoughts would enter my mind. Silence can be uncomfortable for me, at times.

In God’s infinite wisdom, He knew that the best way to communicate with me is through dreams while I was asleep, which He so often does.  So one day, while carving out time for God, I decided this time I would take a nap, in an effort to hear from Him. As God would have it, He communicated with me while I was asleep and dreaming.

He allowed me to dream about a murder, as it was taking place. In the dream, I was with my children and I saw a man indirectly kill another man over a woman/jealousy etc. I was too afraid to say anything to anyone and I wanted to protect my children so when asked by the murderer,  “Do you plan on telling anyone?” I quickly and forcibly said, NO, I won’t tell a soul!

When I awoke from that dream, God revealed to me (in a “still small voice” since my mind was quiet enough) the meaning of that dream. The murderer represented Satan and the victim represented everyone who hasn’t heard or accepted the message of Christ and the Salvation that He promises. In the dream, I represented every Christian that has feared and/or failed to share the Gospel with the lost. So in other words, every time we choose not to share the message of Christ with anyone who is lost- We are “witnessing murdered souls.” We are witnessing Satan add another lost soul to his terminal kingdom!

After that dream, God had and still has me on a mission to share and/or pray for as many people as possible to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior before they too, become a murdered soul eternally separated from God! Won’t you join me in sharing the message since that is one of the most important purposes each Christian is required to do- “The Great Commission.”



Yanick Kane

Yanick Kane is originally from NY but currently resides in Northern VA with her husband and 4 children. Yanick has a Bachelors degree in Nursing and a MA in Counseling. She is also a Realtor and a new Children's book author. Yanick loves encouraging people to live their best lives using a Holistic approach. As a follower of Christ, Yanick's mission in life is to encourage others to trust and depend on God for everything.

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