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Peace in the Midst of the Storm

In Matthew 8:23-27, Jesus along with His disciples, boarded a ship to head to Gadarenes.  While en route to their destination, a major storm occurred so much to the point that the waves were overtaking the ship.  This instantly put the disciples in panic mode.  Isn’t it interesting how in times of panic, if we do not come to our senses, we forget everything that God has done for us and start focusing on the issues(s) at hand?  The disciples were with Jesus a lot in public settings.  They saw firsthand what He did when it came to making the impossible possible.  If you go back a few versus in Matthew 8:14-16, Jesus laid hands on Peter’s mother-in-law and healed her of a fever she had.  He then goes on to heal others who were demon possessed (by speaking the word) and healing everybody who was sick.  But now, we find the disciples freaking out and in despair because they were caught in a storm.

Have you ever been there?  The storms in your life seemed so big that you thought they were going to overtake you.  Whether it’s trouble on your job, a financial crisis, issues with your spouse and/or children, a health concern, or even struggling with your walk with God because someone or something has come up against you.  Whatever the case may be, you start focusing on what you are going through instead of focusing on the One who can, and will, bring you through. But that’s exactly what the enemy wants.  He wants you to be so consumed with what is happening to and around you that it makes you take your mind off God.

But while the disciples were panicking, you know what Jesus was doing?  Resting, He was sleeping!  One of many ways God speaks to us, warns us, and reveal things to us is when we’re sleeping.  So if you are up at night, pacing the floor because of something that is going on in your life, how do you expect to hear from God?  If you are wide-awake, trying to figure out solutions to problems that are beyond your control, how can God to give you the answer, or better yet, fix the problem for you?  Now if Jesus was sleeping, just how bad was the storm?  It was apparent He wasn’t worried about what was going around Him and His disciples.  Jesus may have allowed this storm to take place so that He could test His disciples’ faith.  There will be times when God will allow things and certain situations to happen in your life so that your faith can be tested.  He will not be the cause of things that are happening in your life, but He will allow things to happen in your life to see if you trust and believe in Him to deliver you.

When the disciples ran to where Jesus was sleeping, they cried out for Him to save them so that they wouldn’t die.  In verse 26, Jesus said, “Why are ye so fearful , O ye of little faith?”  Can I let you in on something?  God’s hand is never too short where He’s not able to pull you out of where you are.  God doesn’t sleep, He’s always awake.  He’s very much aware of what you are going through but do you have the faith to believe who He is and the power and authority He has?  Jesus further proved His power and authority by rebuking (or commanding) the storm to cease.  In Mark 4:39, Jesus said, “Peace be still.”  This is what He wants to do in all of our lives- give us peace.

And when He spoke, the storm ceased and there was a calmness that came over the sea.  God wants to give us peace in the midst of our storms.  He will never abandon you and leave you in your storms because He said in His Word, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”  God doesn’t allow the storms of life to come to overtake us.  He allows them to come to strengthen us.  He allows them to come to strengthen someone else in the form of a testimony we will tell to others who are going through the same or similar situation that God rescued us from.

I could go on and on about the reasons why God allow storms to come our way; please know that just because the storms come doesn’t mean you can’t have peace.  When you allow God to give you peace in the midst of your storms, you are showing Him that you have faith in Him.  You are showing that you are believe in Him to bring you out of whatever storm you are facing.  Your right now moment is not forever.  Like all of the other storms, this one will pass too, but while you are waiting for it to pass, seek God for His peace.  Why is it so important that you seek God for His peace?  Because of what Apostle Paul spoke in Phil 4:7 (ESV) which says, “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

If you are in the midst of a storm right now, my prayer is that you will let God calm your fears because He wants you to be still and know that He is God.  I pray that you will let Him provide a way of escape for you when life’s storms are raging against you.  May you seek Him more and let Him protect you from your fears, doubts, and worries.  I pray that you will not let the storms of life consume you because God will erase your fears and rebuke the winds of life that try to harm you.  May you continue to allow God to take care of you while He is casting out the fear, doubt, and worry that is within you because He will allow no such spirits to dwell in His children.  I pray that you will let Him cast them into the pit on your behalf, and make your ways sober in Him.  I pray that you will have faith, and just know that God is with you.  Even in the midst of you going through, I pray that you will have faith in knowing that God is making it possible for you in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

LaShana Lloyd

LaShana Lloyd is a Christian author, writer, blogger, speaker, and life coach for women. Her mission is to prepare women, around the world, by inspiring and encouraging them to walk purposely in their calling for God. She is the founder and owner of Faith Led Life and Faith Led Life Coaching, LLC where she teaches women how to uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging their purpose so that they can live the life God intended them to live. LaShana was featured in a bestselling book collaboration titled You Have No Idea the Hell I’ve Been Through: 22 Women Who Pushed from Pain to Purpose. LaShana is originally from Clio, South Carolina, but currently resides in Tampa Bay, Florida.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Georgi

    Great word. Thanks LaShana for being an instrument and a blessing to all in Jesus name.

  2. Felicia

    Thank you LaShana, this truly touched me and I needes to read it. Sometimes its so easy to get off track and quickly forget the awesome God we serve. Thank you for being the beautiful vessel that you are!

    1. LaShana Lloyd


      Blessings to you, sis, I give God the glory! When storms show up in our lives, we can easily take our focus off God and put our attention on our problems; during these times, God always have a way of directing us back to Him and giving us what we need during these moments in life. Thank you again, sis, God bless!

    1. LaShana Lloyd

      Amen, Rosie, the Father is always with us, especially in our storms. Thank you for reading, blessings to you!

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